Butterfly Pt.2

Title: Butterfly part.2
Author: Gichims
Pairing: Kim Seokjin X Reader X Mark Tuan
Rating: G
, PG, 15+
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Open your heart. 



“Mark…. Can you meet me in front of Bee Cafe in 15 minutes? I’m on the way…..”

Theres a silent before he answer me, 

“What happened? Are you okay? Where are you now?” He seems worried.

“Just meet me up there. I’ll wait” I hang up the phone.
After I arrived I just sat on the outdoor tables. Waiting for Mark. I gazed to the sky, pretend that everything’s gonna be alright.

“Miss, are you okay? Do you want some hot chocolate?” A waiter asked from the other side of the door, his voice clearly filled with concern. 

I slowly lifted my head to glance at the phone, theres a picture of Jin and Me on the wallpaper, ‘So, you cheated on me’ I thought to myself as a depressed sigh escaped my lips. It had truly been a rough day today and for some valid reasons, I kept on running into misfortunes.
Taking a deep breath, I replied in a slightly shaky tone, all the while trying my best to remain composed. “N-no. It’s fine.. I don’t want anything..”
“.. Okay, if you say so. Just call me if you need anything.” He replied solemnly. 
I could hear he heading back and all I could do was to bury my face back into my knees, tears slowly streaming down my cheeks. “Jin..” I uttered softly, huddling at the corner. The thought of him was somewhat comforting and truly, all I wanted to do now was call him and hear his voice but I knew better than to burden him with my problems since he too, had issues of his own. But I think theres no more us near the future after this accident. That makes me more sad and cry a lot.
“I hate this..” Curling up into a ball, I could feel the tears rolling down my face as if my eyes were a broken tap that couldn’t be fixed no matter how hard I tried. If I could just stop being stubborn and call him, if I could stop being so prideful, if I could– 
“Hey _____. You alright in there?”
My eyes immediately snapped open, head turning towards that voice.. “..I am here.” 
“W-wait..” before I could fully register the fact that he was really here, I want to wipe my tears first but Mark had already stand in front of me with a worried look plastered on his face. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the state I was in and quickly rushed to my side.
“Hey, are you okay? Are you crying? What happen? Stop crying..” Mark peered at my face, his voice laced with concern.  
I immediately avoided his gaze and hastily wiped off any tears that threatened to trickle down. I absolutely hated crying in front of people. The notion of being in the state of such fragility and vulnerability seemed truly unappealing and pathetic. Maybe it was because i didnt want people or Mark to think i was so sensitive and hopeless or maybe it was because crying meant being weak and i didnt want to be that. 
I heard a soft sigh coming from him and i couldnt help but think, ‘Great. Now he’s fed up with me..’. However, the next thing i knew, a pair of warm arms enveloped my body and held me tight. So tight that i thought my lungs were truly being crushed.
He planted a kiss on my forehead before speaking in an upset but caring manner. “You truly are an idiot.. Did you call because you want me to see you like this?”
Gazing into his eyes shamefully, I shook my head slowly, tears glistening in my eyes. “I.. i didnt want to burden you, Mark. And i dont want anybody to see me in this pathetic state. But I have no body else at this moment. I-Im so sorry I’ve called you.” Another sigh escaped his lips and all i could do was bury my face into his chest. “I am sorry..”
“ ______.”
“You are never, ever a burden to me.” He said earnestly. “And you know.. sometimes crying doesnt mean you are weak. Theres nothing weak or wrong about crying. Its okay to release your emotions and feelings and honestly, it take guts to do that. So stop thinking the weirdest things and just.. just let me comfort you. Let me comfort the girl I…, ah idiot. Just stop crying okay…” He cupped my face in his warm, large palms and gave me a a strong look with his eyes filled so much love and care that made my heart ache with more sadness. 
I look at him, try to put a smile. It’s hard. But he looked at me as if he know something, I was curious and ask him “Do you know this already? He.. I-I mean Jin was,-” Mark stand up and get his jacket off to cover my cold body. He smile at me, “Let’s go home, I’ll take you home” I grab his hand and ask him one more time , “So you knew?” He doesn’t answer my question. He just stay still. He company me to his car, and he drive me home. 
When we arrived, he assisted to take me until in front the door. “Look, I know you had a bad day. Let’s talk this tomorrow when you calmed down. For tonight, just rest. Ok” he hugged me fast and leave me alone. I know he don’t want me to cry over Jin anymore. I knew he knew something about this, but maybe he’s right. I should think about it again tomorrow when I calmed down. I search my phone, and I saw a lot of miss calls from Jin, and some messages from him. But I try my best not to read it, I just open it to text Mark. 
“Mark, Thank You”
“It’s okay. Get some rest, night”
“Goodnight, once again, thanks”

3 months later

After that accident the next day I give up my career and stop working as an stylist. I decide to work with another magazine company as an creative idea and move from my old apartment. I leave as fast as I could with stealing some time quickly so Jin couldn’t see me. He’s been trying to contact me since then, but I never reply. I really want to move on from him. I keep on busy with my work so I can forget him quick. Some guys in my office already ask me on a date but I keep ignoring them. Because deeply in my heart it’s still Jin’s. I do miss him. I do want him back. But every time I remember that night, it hurts me a lot.
Thanks to Mark, I’ve been holding on this matter of time. Since that night we keep contacted each other just being a good friend. He always take care of me. He’s nice. We also do some kind of secret dates at night at hang gang river. We’re close like we used to. But again, he never confess anything to me. One day I even dare my self to ask him sort of question about me while we talk on the phone.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?” He asked
“N-no I mean like you are really being too nice to me, sometimes I felt terrible because I’ve done bad things to you in the past”
“Like what? I think you never do bad things to me. You’re also nice tho” He answer 
It keeps me frustrated. So I just I ask him frontally.
“But you liked me before right?”
It was a sudden paused and silent between us on the phone. I was scared if I asked the wrong thing the wrong time. I kept my self silent too until he answer me. 
“I’ve always like you _____ and it’s never change”
Theres a silence between us, again. 
“But.. But I know you’re still not over him yet. I don’t want to rush it. Take your time”
I was smiling. 
“Thanks Mark. I don’t know what to say…”
He left a deep sight over the telephone. 
“Don’t make things awkward between us. How about this. Let’s go for a date once. If you don’t like it, we can be friends” he said.
I want to teased him a little so I asked him,
“What if I like it? What happens then?”
He let out a laugh, I’m relieved he’s being like usual after this strange conversation.
“If you like it, you’re mine” 
I was shock by his strong answer. But I think it’s time for me to open my heart for someone. And I never find any better man than Mark. So I said yes, and we’re going to have a date this Saturday. 
Saturday. Yes. This is the day. I don’t know why, I’m nervous! It’s not like we’re going out like we used to, it’s different. It’s officially a date. I’ve change my clothes for so many times. I need to be beautiful for him at least. 

I wait in the cafe he told me to. It’s past the hour. He’s not here yet. Is he late? Is he just playing with me? Is he stuck in traffic? My thought all full of confusion. Suddenly I hear someone breathing heavily behind me. I looked up and I see Mark. He’s sweating so hard like he’s been on a marathon. 

“I’m sorry-y… I’m late…..” Mark said. get up from my chair and let out a tissue from my bag, I hand it to him. “No, it’s okay. Sit down. Order and drink something, you need to chill…” I chuckled. He sit down and order some drink. He looked at me. 

“You… you look pretty.” He stammered as he looked at me, ducking his head and peeking at the pretty face from under his shaggy bangs. 
“Thank you.” I smiled pleasantly. Mark sighed. I always got so many compliments from other boys, giving the same kind – yet not quite indicative – response. 

“I.. I mean it. You look lovely.” I was wearing a plain white dress and gold sandals, a crown of pink and yellow roses on my head as an bandana. There was a classy elegance, gorgeous as usual and glowing with the sun shining. Mark sigh again. 

“You seem rather unhappy today.” I frowned. “Nothing” He looked up instantly and watched himself reflected in my shining eyes. He avoided making eye contact, blushing.

“Come on, whats going on?” 
I tugged on his arm casually, and seating more closely to him.

There was a silent between us again. We drink our beverages. 

“What’s wrong with me.” He muttered to himself.
“Did you say something, Mark?” 
I paused drinking and turned to looked at him. His face turned pinker, and Mark shook his head quickly, eyes stretched wide.

Mark said quickly.

I gave a little smile. “Where should we go next?” I asked him. 
He could feel his heart clench and unclench in his chest.
 “Dammit, that really wasn’t fair. Did she even know what she was doing to me?” Mark talked to himself in his thought. 
Was he going to talk or what?
 I stifled a sigh of disappointment as I call the waiter to get the bill. Do I really have to make all the conversation? 
We didn’t talk too much in the cafe. Mark was busy playing with his phone like usual, and drinking. Suddenly my stomach let out a funny sounds. Mark looked at me. He chuckled. “Are you hungry?” He ask. I nodded, and blushed. I was so ashamed. “Let’s eat then. I know somewhere good with food and view” he said and he grab my hand out of the cafe. 

Finally we got to his car and go to the restaurant that he already booked. When we arrived, theres a sudden rain came out. He came out first from the car and open the car door for me. But when I came out from the car I slipped from the wet floor.
 I screamed. 

“_____!” Mark grabbed my hand, pulling me back.

In the moment, the force proved too much, and I slammed into his chest, knocking us both in to the floor. 

There was a loud slosh, and the cold rain touch our skin. I blinked the droplets out of my eyes and stared down, frozen, at Mark’s face an inch away from me.

“Y-Yo-You okay?” 
His voice was still that gentle, warm tone as always, and I felt my cheeks flaring up despite the cool rain.

“Um… yea.” I answer. 

He awkwardly smiled and gazed back at me, a strange, dreamy look in his eyes. It was then I became aware of the arms around my waist, the way I was pressed up against his chest in the floor. 
I scrambled up off of him, and noticed a look of almost disappointment graze across Mark’s features. 
He got up, the sunlight in the rain sparkling the drops of water on his chest and shoulders, golden streams trickling down his body. I tried not to stare.

“Don’t go too fast.. It’s slippy” Mark said quietly. “You’re going to fall again.”

“No I’m not!” I shot back. “I only fell cause you didn’t look after me!” 
I blurb. He laugh. “Sorry about that.” Mark mumbled guiltily, bowing his head. “I didn’t mean to.” 

I huffed and turned away from him with a mock pout. “______…” Mark reached out and tugged on my hand. “Don’t be mad at me, please?”

I just look at him pouting. 

“____________~” Mark called my name again. 

 “I’m so mad at you.” 
I teased him and try to walk alone first. But Mark fingers wrapped around me and gave a shy little pull. 
“_______? I’m sorry…” 
Mark said again. I look at him and burst out into giggles.

“Oh Mark, you’re so gullible! I’m okay. Come on. We’re wet because of the rain!” 

“Yhaa! _____!” Mark sigh. But he smiled. 
The giggles ebbed from my shoulders like the falling tide, and I glanced at our clasped hands. 
I tried to pull away, but Mark held tight. 
He blushed, bright red to the root of his hair and the tips of his ears. He squeezed my hand, and my heart skipped a beat in my chest.

“Can I hold this?” He raised our clasped hands and I felt my cheeks burn. 
Turning away from him, I nodded. 
Mark squeezed my hand again and gave me a light tug. 
“Come on, we’re going to be really wet out here.” 
He offered me a smile, and I gladly returned it. 
Inside the restaurant, we went to borrow some towels and get us dry in the bathroom. 

When I were just coming back into the restaurant, making my way up to find Mark.

Walking through the tables, I were surprised to hear your name called out. “_______?”

I turned to the mysterious voice to see no one other than Jin, my ex boyfriend. 

I turned and started to walk away, forcing the feelings that were bubbling up inside me down. “No, no, no, no.” I repeated as I made my way to the elevator to avoid him, quickly sliding in and pressing the ‘close door’ button, only to find myself locked in the elevator with my ex boyfriend.

I acted like a child, putting my hands to my ears and closing my eyes, just wanting the nightmare to be over. ‘He’s not here, he’s not here.’ I repeated to myself internally, until a pair of hands pulled on my wrists, causing me to open my eyes to look at Jin. “_____, don’t avoid me!” Jin said. I closed my eyes again. “Where have you been?! I’ve been mentally crazy without you! Why don’t you let me explain?” Jin sadly let out a cracks voice. I open my eyes slowly. 

We’re both staring at each other, mentally noticing the little changes about each other, that you both didn’t here the elvator ding when you reached the top floor. 

Mark stood up, making his way over to the elevator to greet you, until he saw the scene unfold before him. 
He stood there in utter confusion, just like you. Thoughts of who was that and what are they doing coursed through his mind fast. But the steps he took to get to you were slow, almost calculated.

“_______.” Mark called out in unison, causing me and Jin both to turn and look at Mark.

“Mark!” I called out, realizing the situation I was in. I pushed myself away from the Jin and awkwardly made my way over to Mark.

Still confused on how to react, he pushed Jin back into the elevator. “Sorry, she’s with me” Mark said calm to Jin. Jin was confused but stay silent watching us. Jin looked at me, “I call you later” and the elevator door was closed. 
As a heavy silence hung in the air, Mark could only hold his chin in thought. He wasn’t mad, angry or upset. Just…confused.
“Mark” I called out to him, for the third time. I was worried on how he would react to the situation. Granted, seeing Jin reminded me of memories I would rather keep sealed off, I wasn’t about to go down the same roller coaster for a fourth time.

I nervously reached out and grabbed Mark hand, somehow trying to convey my feelings to him. So when he gave me a small smile, I knew that he understood. “You okay?” He ask worriedly. I nodded. 

Jin POV.

The cry reached the other side and he put down his hand, letting it slid on his side.
 His eyes widened in surprised and pain and they turned glassy. Whatever hurt her, hurt him even more. She was the rose he took care off but because he wasn’t careful, he let himself crossed the boundary. He was no longer admiring her from afar. He patted her head, smiled kinder than he usually was and called her his rose fairy. Now I see him with another man. The most horrible scene I never thought I would see. He couldn’t stop crying until someone call his phone. He reach it and saw “_____ Father” name. He answer it. 
“Jin? How have you been? Are you busy?” He asked.
“No sir. I’m not. Is there something wrong?” 
“It’s about ____. Can you come to my office?” 
Jin was confused for a second. But then he thought maybe this is the only way to get _____ back. Maybe he’s not loosing the game after all. Maybe theres some way that he could do to make _____ back to him again. 
“Yes sir. I’ll be right away” 

To be continued

4 thoughts on “Butterfly Pt.2

  1. Pcatt says:

    That ‘to be continued’ –”

    Si _____ -nya suka ke mark? janganlah yaa mark buat aku aja hhaha
    Penasaraaaaaaaaaaaaann itu babehnya mau apain jin. :’)


  2. rizta says:

    That feels…….
    Kak kamu…fix aku jadi galau. Lagi cinta2nya sama merekaaa>//<
    Berharap happy ending…tapi bisa ga sama 22nya? :' )
    ternyata si ____ punya kembaran atauvapalah wkwjwj. Ngepostnya jangan lama2 yaaa. Lopuuuuu:*


  3. surisurimasuri says:

    Let me be one of them’s “bitch” lol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 .
    Jin pls stop. _______ is happy with mark. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    And yoongi pls be mine😂😂😂😂😂


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